2014年10月18日 星期六

SPD4459 特色擺設(5) <生活篇> 創意煙灰缸 2 Special Decoration(5) Innovative Ashtray 2

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

SPD4459 特色擺設(5) <生活篇>  創意煙灰缸 2

岩岩介紹完激安殿堂 ゲキヤスデンドウ - 搞鬼煙灰缸。
而家等我黎介紹D 較實用嫁喇.!!!

I have introduced the ashtray from Gekiyasudendou. In this post I will introduce some more practical ashtray for you.

鍾意同朋友一路吹水一路 '打邊爐' ?
Like smoking when you are chatting with fds?
It is too inconvenience when there are a metal ashtray standing here, right?

*Lost & Found - 夾枱煙灰缸

呢款夾枱邊GE煙灰缸, 細小輕巧, 容易清理, 乃方便慳位之選
This ashtray is light, easy for cleaning and convenience, it is a best choice for you.
Now, you can start chatting with your friends without any impediment.

Address: L8, The One, 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

特別鳴謝: Jouse Cafe

Edited by Wan Lee LUI (Winnie)
Contact us: winniielui@gmail.com

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Ashtray, blog, Decoration, Lost and found, shopping, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong District, 

