2014年10月13日 星期一

**News**YTM Style Blog Facebook Fans Page News**


**YTM Style Blog Facebook Fans Page News**

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

由開 blog 至今, YTM Style 各Bloggers 都花盡心思, 希望可以同大家分享自己係購物上ge一d心
得。到今日, YTM Style Blog viewers 人數已經突破3000, 往4000進發。而YTM Style Blog Fans
Page likers人數雖然不及 blog 人流上升得快, 但都仍健康增長中, 直至今日YTM Style Blog 
Facebook Fans Page 已經有100個Like 喇!!!!

在此多謝各支持者對本blog ge 支持, 你地ge支持驅使 YTM Style Blog ge進步。
為左本Blog ge 發展, 如您對我地YTM Style Blog 或運作有咩意見, 都歡迎大家係到留言, 我地
一定努力改進, 多謝大家。 >3

From the day of creating YTM Style Blog, we are
trying our best to share the shopping experience
with you. From now, number of viewers of YTM 
Style Blog are rapidly increased to more than 
3000 viewers and it is continuing increasing to
reach 4000 viewers. Although the increasing rate
of likers from our Facebook page are not growing
as fast as the number of viewers from our Blog,
it is still stably growing. So, we are happy to tell a
good news to all of you that the number of likers 
from YTM Style Blog Facebook Fans Page are 
now reaching 100

Here we would like to say Thanks again for all of
your support, your involvements were pushing us
to perform better. In order to keep the growing
rate, if you have any recommendations for our
YTM Style Blog or working processes, please
feel free to leave your comments as below, we 
will try our best to have those improvement.
Thank you so much.

Edited by Wan Lee LUI (Winnie)
Contact us: winniielui@gmail.com

SPD4459 Internet Marketing & Public Relations

blog, Facebook fan page, google, googleblog, hongkong, Like, News, shopping, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Special Decoration, Yau Tsim Mong District, YTM, YTM Style Blog News, 

