Today, I find a Japanese Stationary store in Mong Kok.
有好多女仔都中意既Hello Kitty, Toys Story 同埋 鬆弛熊等.
It sell the stationary of the popular cartoon such as Hello Kitty, Toy Story and Rilakkuma.
You can find your favorite cartoons in this shop.
順帶一提,琴日Hello Kitty 亦踏入40週年,
Yesterday is Hello Kitty 40th Anniversary

這間文具精品店叫 "征服世界"日本文具店
This stationary store called "Conquest World"
是位於旺角通菜街. 另外它仲兩間分店 分別位於銅鑼灣和大埔.
The store is locate in Mong Kok and the others two branches are locate in Causeway Bay and Tai Po.
發現佢原來還提供網上購物服務, 非常方便.
It also provide online shopping service, it is very convenient.
網頁好有條理地分開 卡通人物既系列 非常易用
The website layout is clear and user friendly.
以下推介文具在網上商店也可購買, 價錢介於$60-140
The following stationary also can buy in ConquestWorld
中間既Hello Kitty 原子筆有好多個Kitty頭好可愛,
The middle one have a huge Kitty's head, it is so cute.
The right one is very useful.
Next week will introduce other topics.
Hope those blog that introduce special stationary store can help you.
Photos from Consquest World, Saniro
"征服世界"日本文具店 網上商店網址:
By Cynthia Tang - SPD4459
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
blog, buy, District, google, googleblog, hk, hongkong, shop, shopping, SPD4459, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Stationary, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong, YTM, 文具堂, 油尖旺,