SPD4459 Internet marketing and public relations
SPD4459 第五擊 潮鞋子 Season 5 Stylish Shoes
"太累了 太累了 不再飛天遁地但求一天可跟你再走遍
太在意 我願意 能情願甘心做後備"------<<鄧麗欣--藍鞋子>>
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Source: http://9bytz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Sad-Puppies-6.jpg |
<<藍鞋子>> 呢首歌指每個女仔都應該擁有自己嘅一雙玻璃鞋, 而"藍鞋子"正等於"男孩子", 即指每個女仔都應該擁有一個最適合自己嘅一個男孩子, 去追尋自己嘅幸福。
"藍鞋子"唔稱心, 過一段時間, 就可以再挑選另一位。
但若果買左對唔稱身嘅鞋, 你就真係由排痛心喇!! 打入冷宮?? 定係掉左佢丫??
咁樣太浪費喇, 睇下我地 YTM Style Blog, 下一回為你帶黎d咩 <<潮鞋子>> 推介喇!!!
想知我地介紹咩<<潮鞋子>>??? 聽日話你知喇...
重唔快d like 左我地 YTM Style Blog Facebook Page ??? 緊貼我地最新資訊???
"Blue Shoes" got the same pronunciation with "Boy"in Cantonese. This song called "Blue shoes" that describing every girl should own their own crystal shoes, the blue shoes is representing a boy, which mean that every girl should own a good boy and catch their happiness.
If the boy who you love is not suitable for you, after a time period, you could fall in love with other one. However, what will happen if you brought a pairs of shoes that are not suitable for you?? Will you stop wearing it? or will you fall it into rubbish bin? This behaviour is too wasteful!!!!
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Edited by Wan Lee LUI (Winnie)
Contact us: Winniielui@gmail.com
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