SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
SPD4459 潮鞋子 Stylish Shoes (4)
Recently, I find the sandals of a South Korean brand (PENNANT) from online, and the style of
the sandals are really special and stylish . Oh my god! Now you can buy it at D-mop in K-11
shopping mall in Tsim Sha Tsui, and the price of the sandals is HKD $ 1590. Even MIKE magazines
have reported before, so I do not mention the background of PENNANT any more. (Source: http://www.milk.com.hk/content/pennant-x-unbounded-awe-sandals)!
Thus, I will mainly comment on wearing my PENNANT sandals today!;)

無錯, 自已係擋吾住引誘,所以係D-mop 買左對 ;)! 其實呢對鞋最特別既地方係可以
換配件, 圖下左腳同右腳分別襯左不同既配件。日日換,日日新鮮!
Yes, you are right! I am really attracted by these sandals, thus I bought it at D-mop store
on September. Actually, PENNANT has different accessories and component that allow you to
transform your sandals. You can refer to the below photo which shows that the left and right sandals
are matched by different component. Therefore, you can change the sandals' style to fit for your
outfit everyday.

不過, 講個秘密你地知! 對鞋行起上泥都有d 聲, 所以買之前試下著先好買!
但總括泥講, 對鞋好好襯同埋韓味好濃, 讚!
Finally, I tell you a big secret! In fact, PENNANT sandals will generate noise when you are
walking so you have to try it before you buy. Overall, PENNANT sandals have a well look
with Korean style, therefore it is suggested to buy one!

Shop B205-206 & B208-209, B2, K11,Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
T: 852-35869515
Edited by Yi Tung Chan (Zoey)
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
blog, buy, District, google, googleblog, hk, hongkong, shop, shopping,SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, 鞋, Shoes, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong, YTM, 油尖旺, YTM,