SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
SPD4459 尋·寶 1
特色小店啦!如果想睇返之前介紹過ge blog,就快d click 右手邊⋯係啦係啦,就係右
今日要介紹ge特色小店叫做SweetiesDream Dessert Shop,相信有玩開Instagram或者鍾
意人食甜品ge朋友仔,對依間shop 都唔會陌生
意人食甜品ge朋友仔,對依間shop 都唔會陌生
This week, let’s us introduce some special shops to you. If you want to read the previous blogs,
please go to your right hand side and click the blog you like. :D
please go to your right hand side and click the blog you like. :D
Today, the shop we would like to introduce called SweetiesDream Dessert Shop. Someone
who have Instagram‘s account or fall in love with dessert is quite familiar with this shop in fact.
who have Instagram‘s account or fall in love with dessert is quite familiar with this shop in fact.

Sweetiesdream Dessert Shop 係由一對情侶合作經營。一切都係由Instagram開始,
Sweetiesdream Dessert Shop is owed by a couple. Everything started at Instagram for
getting orders, gaining word of mouth. This year, they are opened their first shop at MongKok
in July. Yeah~
好評如潮,大多都係激讚佢地用料大足,D Cream唔甜,好靚,好好味……
Most of the customers comment on how they love Sweetiesdream’s dessert
樣就唔係到Show 出黎啦,有興趣就上我地facebook fans page:
/去Sweetiesdream個 Instragram到睇啦
If you interested at what they look like, let’s go and check through our Facebook
fans page:YTM Style Blog or Sweetiesdream’s Instragram
事頭同事頭婆好合拍ga(其實兩位都好後生ga ),一個接單時,一個就整餅,而當一
個招呼客人時,一個就幫手check 單pack 餅。係小店裏面,亦都唔難發現有兩隻狗狗
走黎走去,其實佢地就係小店ge人氣 icon(Mama +BB)專門招呼客人ga。
個招呼客人時,一個就幫手check 單pack 餅。係小店裏面,亦都唔難發現有兩隻狗狗
走黎走去,其實佢地就係小店ge人氣 icon(Mama +BB)專門招呼客人ga。
When you shop at there, it is not difficult to see two doggies (Mum and baby) .They are the
icon of the shop. Sweetiesdream’s customers feel happy to play with them as they are really
cute and friendly.
icon of the shop. Sweetiesdream’s customers feel happy to play with them as they are really
cute and friendly.

人氣甜品之一,Macarons cake,顏色size都可以自訂
This is one of the famous desserts in the shop. You can order the size or colour of the cake
you like.

當然當然,唔少得SweetiesDream人氣皇牌 cupcake啦! 見到”最後10set”都知咩事
SweetiesDream another famous dessert: mini cupcake

Let’s shop and find out the cake that is not easy to see or buy in chain cake shop.
*注意注意:SweetiesDream Dessert Shop只接Pre-Order,有興趣可以What's app問左佢地先
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sweetiesdream
