SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
SPD4459 尋·寶 4
今日介紹ge就有依間位於尖沙咀ge PLACEBO ,其實間小店主打賣男裝 ,而店主亦都好
有才華 ,會設計自家男裝皮鞋放係小店到賣 ,次次送禮物俾男朋友都會諗到頭都大埋?
有才華 ,會設計自家男裝皮鞋放係小店到賣 ,次次送禮物俾男朋友都會諗到頭都大埋?
Today, we will introduce a shop called PLACEBO. This shop ’s products are mainly for male
so that is really good for someone who has no idea for her boyfriend’s present.
so that is really good for someone who has no idea for her boyfriend’s present.

(photo from PLACEBO)
PLACEBO另一大特色就係有一個小小ge露台 ,等你行到攰都可以休息下
There is a gazebo in PLACEBO which is the place for customers to get a rest after shopping.

(photo from PLACEBO)
除左鞋 ,PLACEBO仲有度身訂造西裝服務同有復古味甚濃ge Triarrows手錶賣 ,又皮鞋又西
裝……仲唔係紳士型男 ,搵日密謀拉埋男朋友上去 ,順手改變一下佢ge著衫路線先 :D諗下都
裝……仲唔係紳士型男 ,搵日密謀拉埋男朋友上去 ,順手改變一下佢ge著衫路線先 :D諗下都
PLACEBO also provides a tailor made services on leather shoes and suit. Therefore, you can order
your own shoes and clothes in PLACEBO. Apart from this, you can find the vintage Triarrows
watches too. These watches are quite special because they are not sell in many places. So, let’s come
and shop in PLACEBO.
your own shoes and clothes in PLACEBO. Apart from this, you can find the vintage Triarrows
watches too. These watches are quite special because they are not sell in many places. So, let’s come
and shop in PLACEBO.

(photo from PLACEBO)
嗯……冇男朋友?!?!都唔緊要ge,都唔緊要ge,因為PLACEBO亦都會入d型格女裝 ,
好似依款on sale 鞋都只係HKD290 ,好抵著ga ,有興趣就快d上去睇下啦~
好似依款on sale 鞋都只係HKD290 ,好抵著ga ,有興趣就快d上去睇下啦~
Although PLACEBO’s products mainly for male, girls doesn’t need to feel so disappointed as you
may find some stylish shoes for female occasionally.
may find some stylish shoes for female occasionally.

(photo from PLACEBO)
Also, some clothes maybe suit for male and female just like a t-shirt on the above photo

(photo from PLACEBO)
就係由本地設品牌This way設計同製造
就係由本地設品牌This way設計同製造
PLACEBO’s owners quite support local designer. Therefore, they will always introduce some local
brand’s products to their customers.
brand’s products to their customers.
地址:尖沙咀厚福街thestudio 2樓238
Edited by Phoebe Law
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
blog, buy, Clothing, google, googleblog, hk, shop, shopping, spd, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, sweeties, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong, YTM, 尋寶, 油尖旺, Uppershop, Clothing, Accessory, Shoes
blog, buy, Clothing, google, googleblog, hk, shop, shopping, spd, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, sweeties, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong, YTM, 尋寶, 油尖旺, Uppershop, Clothing, Accessory, Shoes