SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
SPD4459 尋·寶 3
we would like to talk about the shop called Accessoriesmall.

依加通街都係一d買飾物ge shop,可能大家都已經睇到厭,或者會諗:咪又係個d~
You may feel sick to shop a store which sell accessories anymore as that type of shop are now
overwhelming in Hong Kong. However, before being so discouraged, let’s read the blog first.
overwhelming in Hong Kong. However, before being so discouraged, let’s read the blog first.

(photo from Accessoriesmall)
近排好hit ge 綿綿珠,就係Accessoriesmall由日本引入香港ga 啦
The cotton pearl, which is introduced by Accessoriesmall , is really popular in Hong Kong

(photo from Accessoriesmall)
佢地間小店仲有好多綿綿珠ge 款式,好似手鏈咁,而藍色ge 綿綿珠仲要唔係成日見,
Not only necklaces, you can also find different kinds of cotton pearl accessories in the shop too.
唔知咩係綿綿珠? 咁就要黎我地Facebook fans page 到睇下啦!!!
You can check out more details of cotton pearl through our Facebook fans page.

(photo from Accessoriesmall)
除左綿綿珠,你仲會見到好多都係made in Japan ge 飾物,有留意開日本潮流ge你,
Apart from cotton pearl, many accessories in Accessoriesmall are made in Japan too just like
this shell ear pendants. These types of accessories are so famous in Japan.
this shell ear pendants. These types of accessories are so famous in Japan.

(photo from Accessoriesmall)
綿綿珠同貝殼飾物都燒唔到你? 唔緊要,唔緊要,因為仲有係女仔都會鍾意ge花花系列,
你睇,係咪好吸引呢,誇張ge ~ 有! 斯文大方ge ~ 有 ! 細細粒ge,戴左好似冇戴ge ~ 都有!
有興趣ge,就要快d 去睇下啦
你睇,係咪好吸引呢,誇張ge ~ 有! 斯文大方ge ~ 有 ! 細細粒ge,戴左好似冇戴ge ~ 都有!
有興趣ge,就要快d 去睇下啦
If you don’t like the accessories of cotton pearl or shell, then the types of flower accessories
maybe your good chose. Let’s go and shop in Accessoriesmall to find the one and the only one
accessory for yourself.
maybe your good chose. Let’s go and shop in Accessoriesmall to find the one and the only one
accessory for yourself.
Edited by Phoebe Law
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations