Let's go to another brand~~
Do you still remember Cheung Chi Ming?
佢簡直係潮人嘅指標 個個都爭住扮佢
He is a character from a Hong Kong film and he is a fashion icon. Everyone would like to dress like him
New Balance就係因為佢帶起左一輪熱潮
That's why NewBalance can hit again
香港炒風一向都好勁 經過志明着一着之後個個即刻衝去買
after Chi Ming wear it, everyone go to buy the same shoes and want to use it to earn money
佢着過啲款更加一度賣到斷哂 要搵就更加難
it is difficult to find the style that he wear
介紹番一間專賣New Balance嘅鋪比大家
Now, I introduce one shop to you
佢叫K Sneakers 入面576 996 1600 999咩型號都有
it called "K Sneakers" there are many different style of New Balance,such as 576 996 1600 999
if you guys want to buy, you may go to there
佢地都有個facebook page定期講下有咩新貨番左
they got a facebook account to update their news
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Instagram都有account架 you may find their account on instagram also |
Edited by Hoi Man To