SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
SPD4459 特色擺設(3) <生活篇> 房間精選 - 上集
It is true that colour do got its impact on our feelings and it will affect what we behave. For example, red could make you happy, blue could make you feel peaceful, dark colour could let you feel sad and unhappy. Someone asks me that why I am always smile and feel happy. My answer is that troubles are always here, some troubles even cannot be solved, however, feeling happy is our own choice. So, why we still want to spend our limited and precious energy to fix or change the thing which are not able to do so. It is not a good choice.
想常樂GE第一步係令到自己生活GE環境變得賞心悅目。若你間房佈置顏色較單調, 可考慮買D顏色較鮮艷GE擺設, 為你生活增添返D色彩, 小妹行盡油尖旺區為你搵到低至中價GE擺設。
If you really want to feel happy all the time, the 1st step is to change your living environment by adding something new to your place. For example, if there only few colours have been used in your room, you can just add some colourful decorations on your desk. Here are some suggestions that I have found in Mong Kok and Tsim Sha Tsui.
1)鴨仔, 青蛙2款GE錢箱 Cashbox with duck and frog version HKD12
唔係話太特別, 但因顏色配搭得恰到好處, 望落令人醒神搶眼。
They are not too special, but they have got a good colour match, it is easy for catching our attentions.
2) Bear 錢箱 Cashbox with bear version HKD 12
唔想顏色太誇張? 可考慮選擇行可愛風GE Bear款
If you don't like the colour match of my 1st suggestion, you can still considering the bear version shown as below.
Address: 3/F Chong Hing Square, 601 Nathan Road, Kowloon
Contact us: winniielui@gmail.com
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
bear, Cashbox, Decoration, duck, frog, Living PLAZA, Mong Kok, Music box, shop, shopping, Solar Mona Lisa, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Special Decoration, Tsim Sha Tsui, youtube,