SPD4459 韓律紅米精華乳液 Hanyul Rice Emulsion
The second skincare I want to introduce is this Hanyul Rice Emulsion, which is getting more
famous because of the Korean TV program < Men from the star>.

係韓國已遭到好多人瘋狂搶購,讀都係韓律2014既皇牌產品! This emulsion mainly can improve the skin quality, hydrated, whitening and anti wrinkle.
It makes the Korean women crazy and it is the king product of Hanyul in 2014.

韓律係韓國屬於一線品牌,並有「小雪花秀」之稱,屬著名公司Amore Pacific旗下,
This rice emulsion did not contains any harsh chemical so sensitive skin can use it also.
Hanyul is the high end brand in Korea, and is a baby sister of Sulwasoo that under Amore
Pacific, Korean famous star Jun Ji-hyun is their endorser.

It is made by the high quality red rice, use it at night can make the skin looks hydrated and
increase the brightness.
大家可以睇下呢個youtube, 睇下佢既製作過程同D成份係幾咁天然啦!
I recommend all of you to watch this video, it shows you how to produce and how natural is
the ingredients!

地址:尖沙咀麼地道67號半島中心1樓163號 (港鐵站 P2 出口,尖東百周年紀念花園旁)
the ingredients!

地址:尖沙咀麼地道67號半島中心1樓163號 (港鐵站 P2 出口,尖東百周年紀念花園旁)
Although Hanyul did not come to Hong Kong yet, the small cosmetic product stores in
Yau Tsim Mong district is already selling this emulsion.
Edited by Man Yan Chan
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
blog, Cosmetic, hongkong, SPD4459, SPD4459 '2014 最受歡迎韓國妝物, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong District, YTM, 來自星星的你, 千頌伊, 韓侓,