SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
SPD4459 牛仔外套 VS 2 way 恤衫 Denim jacket and two-way shirt
香港夏天好長又悶熱,但係去親冷氣地方又會話凍,真係好麻煩! 所以今次介紹下秋冬必備既
牛仔外套同TWO WAY恤衫穿法。我諗大家都有行過Tsim Sha Tsui或Mong Kok既American
妹,咁諗你就錯了! 好多KOREAN FASHION都走外國既街頭風格,依家就帶大家去Tsim Sha
Tsui 海港城既American Eagle 睇下啦!
SPD4459 牛仔外套 VS 2 way 恤衫 Denim jacket and two-way shirt
香港夏天好長又悶熱,但係去親冷氣地方又會話凍,真係好麻煩! 所以今次介紹下秋冬必備既
牛仔外套同TWO WAY恤衫穿法。我諗大家都有行過Tsim Sha Tsui或Mong Kok既American
妹,咁諗你就錯了! 好多KOREAN FASHION都走外國既街頭風格,依家就帶大家去Tsim Sha
Tsui 海港城既American Eagle 睇下啦!
Hong Kong has a hot and stuffy summer so it is not necessary to wear many clothes. But you will feel
cold under the air-conditioner when you shopping in the shopping mall. Today, I would like to
introduce the denim jacket and two-way shirt to you guys. I deem that most of the teenagers like
shopping at American Eagle in order to create a Weston style. However, do you know you can build
a korean street style at American Eagle as well? Let's go!

1)American Eagle 最出名既牛仔外套 (HKD$490)
A well-known denim jacket from American Eagle (HKD$490)
2)正常穿法- 黑白格仔衫 (HKD$390)
Normal way of wearing a checkered shirt (HKD$390)
3)有型穿法- 將格仔衫繫在腰間度
Stylish way - tie a shirt on the waist
4)混搭 Mash up
吾知大家又鐘意邊個穿搭呢? Which one would you prefer?
Edited by Yi Tung Chan (Zoey)
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
blog, buy, Clothing, Clothings, google, googleblog, hk, hongkong, shop, shopping, SPD4459 '韓妹潮流Clothing, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong District, 油尖旺,
A well-known denim jacket from American Eagle (HKD$490)

2)正常穿法- 黑白格仔衫 (HKD$390)
Normal way of wearing a checkered shirt (HKD$390)

3)有型穿法- 將格仔衫繫在腰間度
Stylish way - tie a shirt on the waist


Zone :
Harbour City.Ocean Terminal
Level :
3 Shop
No. :
LCX 5-9
: 2730 6939
Hours : 10:00 - 22:00Edited by Yi Tung Chan (Zoey)
blog, buy, Clothing, Clothings, google, googleblog, hk, hongkong, shop, shopping, SPD4459 '韓妹潮流Clothing, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong District, 油尖旺,