2014年10月31日 星期五

SPD4459 文具堂 ‧ Page One

今日行過尖沙咀的海港城,發現PAGE ONE 己經新開了
I find that the PAGE ONE  in Harbor City is now open!

新開的PAGE ONE 空間非常大,佔有兩層,第一層是主要是買雜誌
The new PAGE ONE is large and have 2 floors. First floor mainly sell magazine.

第二層則有不同種類的書同買文, 還有Cafe.
The second floor sell different types of books and facilitate a cafe.

整間PAGE ONE 都很有復古的感覺.
The new PAGE ONE look so vintage.

這是PAGE ONE的文具部. 陳列方法有別於一般傳統書店.
Here is the stationary dept of Page one, the display of stationary look different with
other traditional book store.

It looks like every types of stationary have their own stage.

在PAGE ONE看見到很搞笑的文件夾, 封面係手腳既按摩可以刺激位置.
The file use reflex point on feet and hand as cover design. It is so funny!

還有一個文件夾好適合中學生用, 因為它可以教您吹牧童笛.
Also, there is a file design as a guideline to play recorder.

The file only cost 35 Hong Kong dollars.


By Cynthia Tang - SPD4459

  SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

blog, buy, District, google, googleblog, hk, hongkong, shop, shopping, SPD4459, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Stationary, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong, YTM, 文具堂, 油尖旺, 

2014年10月30日 星期四

SPD 4459 文具堂 ‧ 日式文具店QIPS

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations 
SPD4459 文具堂 ‧ 日式文具店QIPS

The idea of "Simple" is one of the trends rising in Hong Kong.

You can saw many people, the clothes are plain and simple.

The following photos from Plastic Thing have explain the trend perfectly.

而文具亦走向簡約路線. 早前在美麗華的日式文具店QIPS
And now, stationary also follow this trend.
QIPS is a Japanese Stationary Store which locate in Miramar Shopping Center.

亦在推廣以簡約 ‧ 高質 為題的 MD PAPER 著名日本文具品牌.
Also, promote the famous Japanese stationary brand "MD PAPER"
which the design is simple and made of high quality paper.

著名日本文具品牌 MD PAPER.
These are the products from famous Japanese stationary brand "MD PAPER"

Recently, QIPS also arrive some new schedule.

其中一位Blogger Zoey 亦也不住購買一本.
Zoey who is one of the bloggers have buy a schedule in QIPS too.

好喜歡這種瘦長型的時間簿. 感覺比正方的高貴點.
Love this shape so much and look so gorgeous.

配合了簡單的手繪圖案  再以瘦長型的設計, 也很英式.
The English style design used hand drawing and the thin and long shape.


Photos from Plastic Things, QIPS Facebook Fans Page

By Cynthia Tang - SPD4459
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

blog, buy, District, google, googleblog, hk, hongkong, shop, shopping, SPD4459, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Stationary, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong, YTM, 文具堂, 油尖旺, 

2014年10月29日 星期三

SPD4459 文具堂 ‧ 貓貓地

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations 
SPD4459 文具堂 ‧ 貓貓地

不經不覺, 距離2015只剩下兩個月. 差不多要準備新的時間簿了
Still get 2 months to 2015. It's time to buy a new schedule!

今個星期的主題是文具, 我會一連5日為大家介紹油旺區的特色文具店
The theme is this week is stationary, I will introduce special stationary store in this 5 days

係日本好多出名的文具店都會有個堂字, 例如: 世界堂, 文房堂, 鳩居堂. 
Many Japanese stationary store name use "Tong".

Therefore, I named this week as Stationary Tong.

今日要為大家介紹 一間"貓貓地"既店舖, 係貓奴一定不可以錯過. 
Today, I will introduce Cat Cat land. If you have cat addiction, you cannot miss this!

一望店面,就有好多貓貓塞滿在櫥窗. 見到都好興奮. 
Wow! the display windows are full of cat!

Cat Cat land not only sell stationary.

"貓貓地" 有兩間分店. 一間在旺角.一間在銅鑼灣.
Cat cat land have 2 branches which locate in Mong Kok and Causeway bay.

This is a pen case.

您可以放筆, 又或者當化妝袋,用來放唇膏.
It can also use as cosmetic bag to put the lip stick in.

This is my new schedule book and the price is around HKD70. 

This book is so thin.

如果您有學鋼琴, 可以係店內買到琴鍵布 同 琴譜夾. 真係好得意.
If you have piano in your home, the store also sell the piano accessories like piano key covers and 
piano clip.It is so cute.

Photos from Cat Cat land Facebook Fans Page 

By Cynthia Tang - SPD4459
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

blog, buy, District, google, googleblog, hk, hongkong, shop, shopping, SPD4459, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Stationary, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong, YTM, 文具堂, 油尖旺, 

2014年10月28日 星期二

*SPD4459 Halloween 4 - Accessories & Dressing*

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

SPD4459 Halloween 4 - Accessories & Dressing

今次等我介紹旺角另一間比較多款D ge 店喇!!!

Today, let me introduce a shop which is including more kinds of products in Mong Kok.

1) Cloaks

2) Clothing for women (HKD 2XX)

3) Clothing for men (HKD2XX)

4) Clothing for Children (HKD 1XX)


睇完晒D 裝身用品, 睇下其他輔助用品先!!!
After introduced the dressing items, in the follow, I will introduce some other tools that can be used in Halloween.

5) Hat

6) Mask

7) Others

呢間店賣GE貨, 種類繁多, 岩晒唔想煩, 想一次週買齊晒所需用品GE你!!
This shop is suitable for you who wanna buy all those items at a time. 

Location: 32 Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok, Hong Kong

Edited by Wan Lee LUI (Winnie)

Contact us: winniielui@gmail.com
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Accessory, cloak, Clothing, Dressing, Halloween, hat, mask, Mong Kok, shop, shopping, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, tools, Tung Choi street, Yau Tsim Mong District, YTM, SPD4459, 

2014年10月27日 星期一

*SPD4459 Halloween 3 - Dressing*

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

SPD4459 Halloween 3 - Dressing

萬聖節 重有幾日就到喇有冇打算去邊玩呢想去Party, Cosplay玩下想扮鬼應下節但又唔知著咩好不妨試下著附有中國傳統特色ge旗袍喇!! 旗袍唔單止可以特顯東方女性ge線條美重可以令你成為全埸焦點嫁!

Halloween is coming. What’s your planning for the celebrations? Have you planned to join a party, but have no idea of your dressing? Cheongsam may be a good choice. It can emphasize your body shape as a Eastern women and you can easily become the spotlight of the party.
In MongKok Ladies Market, different types of cheongsam with different colors and cuttings are offered.

旺角女人街 MongKok Ladies Market

其中一間賣旗袍嘅店  One shop that selling Cheongsam

如果想增加應節感, 不妨考慮著紅色旗袍, 配合紅色鞋, 再配合個岩自己ge萬聖節, 想成為焦點, 完全無難道!!!

Cheongsam with red color would be a best choice, if you want to have a better match with Halloween. You can also wear a pair of red shoes and get a Halloween style make-up as well.

想低調d? 無問題!!! 同埸亦有淡紫色和藍色等較大眾口味ge 旗袍可供選擇。

There still some other choices, if you don’t want to be a spotlight. Cheongsam with purple and blue are also offered, those color are more acceptable.

哈哈, 想我知最後買左邊件?? 好喇好喇....我開估喇!!!!!
Wanna know which one have been picked finally?? HAHA

哈哈哈.....最後揀左件紫色, 都係低調D好...XP""
haha.....Finally, i picked the purple one. Normal is the best!!!!

話說, 呢件旗袍最後係公司 halloween party 時候著左...想唔想睇下我個妝係點呢??? hehehe....留夠30 個 comments, 我就放上黎喇^3 

btw... I dress like this to join the Halloween Party in my working place. Don't you wanna see my make-up???hehehe.... If there are 30 comments more, I will post those photos in the blog. ^3

**(Excluding my comments)**

如果你有任何 Halloween Party 衣著ge建議, 歡迎將你意見由 Contact Us 比我地嫁. 多謝你地嘅支持^3

Or is there any other suggestions for Halloween Party, please free fee to give your opinion to us by clicking Contact Us. ^3 Thank you very much.


Location: Mongkok Ladies Market, Hong Kong

Edited by Wan Lee LUI (Winnie)
Contact us: winniielui@gmail.com

Cheongsam, Halloween, Halloween dressing, Mong Kok, Mongkok Ladies Market, shop, shopping, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Yau Tsim Mong District, 旗袍, SPD4459,